Monday, October 29, 2018

MY DATING PROFILE | EVAN EDINGER - Stale is to steal as 89475 is to...

The questions:

If you could travel in time, what error would you correct?
Do you think women have an obligation to shave their legs?
What do you do for fun?
What is the only thing about you that you would like me to know?
If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
You want to have children?
What are you looking for in a relationship?
The old is stealing like 89475 is ...
What was the first infatuation you had?
You have six months to live, what will you do first?
In a way, would not nuclear war be exciting?
Are you a person of the morning or a person of the night?
If you had friends about what you would cook?
Do spelling mistakes annoy you?

10 Weirdest Questions Asked by OKCupid

Stale is to steal as 89475 is to

I find it quite scary that there are people who use a dating site to find a lover who bathes once a month, eats junk, likes tortured animals and finds the threat of an exciting nuclear war. These are just some of the answers to the questions generated by the users of OKCupid, a dating site and an application with 5 million monthly users.

To be fair, the last time I left, Facebook had not been invented, let alone most of today's social media dating applications. In my 20 years, you met people, wait for them, in a bar. But I was still quite surprised by some of the queries from OKCupid members. Once you read some of the gems below, I think you probably also want to run screaming to your nearest bar.

1. In a way, would not nuclear war be exciting?

I have to think that the person asking this question is looking for someone to answer "Yes, I would," not "No, I would not." And that, simply, is terrifying. I hope this person has been expelled from the dating group because he is probably the kind of person who would strip you and use your body like a suit.

2. Do you think women have an obligation to shave their legs?

An obligation? Really? An obligation to whom? The world, the men or the honor of a family? All those are bad answers that make me want to hit my forehead and sigh. What's wrong with the people? And, honestly, if I do not wear a dress or have an appointment, I have never considered shaving my legs as a necessity, let alone an obligation.

3. What is worse: hungry children or abused animals?

Danger, Will Robinson. Both options, I think most normal people would agree, are terrible. But those who check the box "Neither of the two is good" are gravely twisted human beings and should not be allowed in any situation where procreation may occur. Fortunately, there is an option for "None of the two, both are bad", so maybe the query originated with someone who is not a sociopath.

4. How often do you bathe or bathe?

Please, please tell me that this question was not raised by someone who is looking for a partner who agrees with "Once a week or less" and who could agree with someone who responded "A couple of times to the week". Imagine an army of hippies soaked in patchouli, arm to arm and I want to vomit. If any coincidence for me suggests that we do hot yoga on a date, I will assume that this was raised by you.

5. Do spelling errors bother you?

I must let my abnormal flag fly with it. Yes, spelling errors bother me. I am a publisher, and if you can not see the difference between "there", "your" and "are", please do not apply. But this question seems to suggest that an OKCupid member feels that if you can not spell the onomatopoeia, you probably do not earn enough money to pay for a night out. Talk about a gold seeker, dear.

6. Would you ever eat some garbage?

Um, disgusting. Who has been to) on a date with someone whose idea to go out to dinner was the plastic cans behind IHOP? or b) Do you think that such a date is your idea of a good time? I do not want to meet any "freegans" (those who eat foods that have been thrown away), and I hope you do not find them in OKCupid. I know that the economy has hit some of us hard, but I would prefer to go to a soup kitchen before Dumpster goes to dinner.

7. STALE is STEAL like 89475 is ...

While this is a strange question in the sense that it does not tell you anything about a person's personality, if you answered 89547, you would probably consider an appointment with you. Who wants to date an idiot? Not this girl.

8. The armpits can be a hairy subject. How do you maintain your wells?

The site states that your questions should apply to anyone. But this is clearly directed to that same guy who wants to know if I feel the obligation to shave my legs. I do not "let it grow, wild and free" or "cut it occasionally", but I bet there is a manimal out there that would love to find someone who is cultivating a forest. And I bet he likes to eat from the garbage and only showers once a month.

9. Would the world be a better place if people with low IQ could not reproduce?

I imagine that the person who proposed this question, and who are actively looking for a partner in life, feels that the answer here is yes. And if you follow that logic to its conclusion, stupid people should be castrated. Would not it make more sense to castrate rapists and pedophiles? Now that's a question I could leave behind.

10. What do you think when you hear the word "cell phone"?

As a nerd technician, I clearly think of "cell phone." But I guess the one behind this question is more concerned about those who think "jail cell", not those who respond "biology". Does the person have to meet through OKCupid to justify asking this?


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